Project | 01
Globally Educated, Globally Employed?
Photo by Martin Sanchez on Unsplash
About the Project:
This project investigates the phenomenon of Mexican citizens who completed a graduate degree (Masters or Doctorate) in a different country and how this experience shaped their professional career.
Overall, in Mexico students who complete a higher education degree earn close to 80% more than those with only upper secondary education (OECD, 2019). And with only about 1% of Mexican national tertiary students enrolled in programs abroad (OECD, 2019), there is little information as to whether getting a foreign degree has an impact on securing a job or getting a better income.
This study is based on a survey that asks participants about their employment expectations before starting their program abroad, if/how these shifted during their studies, and how did their international experience prepare them for their current job.
Findings will also map the participants’ professional trajectory to understand how globally mobile these former students are.
Project | 02

Purposeful Internationalization
Internationalization strategies are becoming pervasive within HEIs, but a common thread that aligns diverse international activities with the essence of each institution’s public good mission is missing.
Some institutions enact an approach that challenges the current mainstream Anglo-American construct of internationalization while contributing to a greater public good.
Project | 03
International Students' Experiences
About the Overall Project:
International students deal with a slew of transition and adjustment issues many domestic students do not. How are higher education institutions supporting these students? What are some examples of the most common issues faced by international students?
Specific Projects
- Engaging international students in U.S. campuses
- Experiences of international students in Mexico
- University support, social support, and financial well-being: International students coping with COVID-19
Project | 04
International Student Mobility in Mexico
About the Project: PATLANI is a national survey that reports trends on international student mobility to and from Mexico.
Research Team:
Alma Maldonado-Maldonado, Ph.D. (CINVESTAV)
Magda Bustos-Aguirre, Ph.D. (UdeG)
Addy Rodríguez Betanzos, Ph.D. (UQRoo)
Mónica Camacho Lizárraga, Ph.D.
Brenda Ibarra Cázares
Christian Iván Cortés
Project | 05

Higher Education and Return Migration in Mexico
About the Project:
Following the 2016 U.S. presidential election and the government openly anti-immigrant rhetoric threatening to deport unauthorized immigrants (including students with DACA protection), several students in the U.S. are enrolling in Mexican HEIs to start or continue their education. Through this project, we analyze the current programs and policies aimed at attracting and supporting these students.
Research Team:
Mónica Camacho Lizárraga, Ph.D. (PIPE-CIDE)
Mónica Jacobo Suárez, Ph.D. (PIPE-CIDE)